Friday, September 25, 2009

On Happiness

I just finished reading a Newsweek article about Senator Ted Kennedy in which an interviewer asked about his aspirations for the Presidency. Kennedy responded that he was happy in the Senate, explaining his ambitions in a paraphrase of poet Robert Browning: "If one's reach does not exceed one's grasp then what is heaven for?"

Browning wrote: "Ah, but a man's reach should exceed his grasp, or what's a heaven for?"

There is wisdom in both versions. Kennedy concentrates on the end result counseling not to waste time striving for what you can't have, while Browning focuses on process wherein happiness lies in the striving, highlighting the difference between a politician and a poet--the politician intent on achievements, the poet content to write.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

About Resolutions

Well, so much for New Year's resolutions! This has been a busy year. I've completed two more books (sequels to the first two) and am trying to decide between finding an agent (a super hard task) or a new publisher (also difficult). Meanwhile, I've written a few stories and am in the middle (literally) of a political thriller. If I can only make myself stop writing and start sending out queries, I'll be happy. I won't make a resolution to that end though, given my success rate with the previous one!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

New Year's Resolution

Now that my books are finally hitting the open market (next week!!), my New Year's resolution is to exert due diligence and maintain an updated blog. This is different from promising substantive material, of course, but I'll do my best. More likely, I'll talk about my writing, respond to comments and whatever else pops into my head. Oh, and since I love to cook, there'll be a few recipes here and there.

On the weekend, I talked with a friend who owns a local Mexican restaurant about having a book signing there sometime in March. He responded enthusiastically, so I'm now excited about the prospect. I'll let you know how it goes!