Tuesday, June 30, 2015

How weird is this? I'm in the middle of reading Michael Connelly's latest Detective Harry Bosch book, "The Burning Room," (from his detective series set in L.A.), when I come across (on page 233) a character by the name of Bernard Contreras. Not exactly a common name, right?

Here's the weird part. The name of one of my two lead characters (P.I. Polly Berger's secretary) in each of my three "Holy..." books (a detective series set in Hollywood), is Bernardo Contreras. Hmmm. . .

Monday, June 22, 2015

Returned last week from a trip to visit relatives in Upstate New York (Schenectady and Rochester), and have finally gotten back to working on my books. I credit my diligence to the 95+ degree weather we've been having, thank you global warming. I can't help but wonder how much longer the climate change deniers will be able to hang on while tornadoes, droughts, animal extinctions (the greatest since the age of the dinosaurs), and dramatic temperature swings plague our poor abused planet. But back to writing. I'm thinking of changing the title of my fourth P.I. Polly Berger book from "Holy Cannoli, Who Killed Spinnoli" to: "Holy Shmoly, Who Killed Spinoli?" Can't decide.