Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Border Fence

I have to comment on this....the silliness of the U.S. government constructing a 'fence' along the border with Mexico. Read Michelle Roberts' (AP) article about the impact of this decision on the neighboring towns of Eagle Pass, Texas, and Piedras Negras, Mexico at:

I agree with John Stockley. . ." a 74-year-old native of Eagle Pass. 'I keep thinking if we took this money that's going to be spent not just here, but all along the border, and put it into the Mexican economy, we'd probably have people going back the other way.'"

What if, in fact, we had taken the trillions of dollars spent to protect oil company profits (Exxon profits set a new record this quarter at $44 billion) in our war with Iraq, and instead invested it in both Mexico's and our own economy?

Finally, when we're bemoaning the number of Mexican immigrants (legal or illegal) in the country, let's remind ourselves that our whole country is composed of illegal immigrants who stole this land from native inhabitants. For a further reality check, how about the U.S. war with Mexico in which our "Manifest Destiny" policy led us to steal from Mexico most of what is now the U.S. southwest? A quick and dirty summary of that war, can be found on wikipedia at:

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