Thursday, May 1, 2008

how to get a short story published

The latest issue of a respected literary magazine to which i subscribe arrived by email today, and by respected i mean a magazine that publishes the likes of joyce carol oates and t. coraghessan boyle, and i downloaded the first short story anxious to confront the literary touchstones to which i might aspire in my own writing journey and as i read i was struck by the style and a light kindled in my brain, igniting the most blatant realization that oh my god, this is how you have to write in order to get published, word after word, sentences running into each other wildly, never ending, consuming the page, leaving you breathless as you read them wondering what in the hell the writer is thinking and doesn't he have a clue about periods and capital letters and how to parse a paragraph in ways that make sense or maybe it all makes sense to him even if it doesn't to some narrowly focused reader like myself who enjoys knowing when one thought ends and another thought begins but to him the eminent writer, the published writer, the writer published in an eminent literary magazine, all thoughts are amorphous, integrated one into another like waves into the sea crashing and blending and melding in a never ending . . . . you get the idea. Or maybe you just have to know somebody.

1 comment:

Pattie T. said...

Catching my breath to reply...I think in his case, he knows someone, or ABOUT someone and is using it to his advantage.