Friday, January 18, 2008

Dreaming of John Irving

Good Morning Blog,

Thanks to one inch of snow (our first in four years) and some freezing rain, John Irving's talk last night was postponed. Who knows how long before I get to see him (sigh).

A friend told me he's very cute--wavy hair, etc. Here's what I was wondering.... Irving's in his mid to late sixties, yet women think he's cute. How many men would think a woman in her mid to late sixties was cute? Something to think about. . .

Right now, I'm procrastinating about packing for our drive to Baltimore today (7 hours), because I don't want to go. My husband is attending a physics conference (groan)....boooring. It may be my last one, so I should try to enjoy it.

I spent some time yesterday online with a friend who critiqued some of my short stories. He's a good editor, I wish I could hire him. However, he's willing to help out for free right now and that's nice of him, I appreciate it. Well, back to packing.

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