Monday, January 28, 2008

Website Problems

If you access my website today, the menu items aren't working, but that should be fixed soon.

My webmaster is trying to solve a problem with what I call porn hackers. Apparently, if you have an open forum or blog and don't maintain the site with vigilence (something I didn't do for the previous blog on my website), the porn purveyors will find your site and start leaving 'comments' that include links to their websites.

Soooo, we took down my previous blog and are trying to 're-program' Google, so that it no longer points to the old pages, though there are still 'links' out there on porn sites that now point to my site (groan......what a mess!). I will be diligent with this blog and not allow that to happen. It's called learning the hard way. . .

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