Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Getting Started

A good friend encouraged me today to start a blog, so here I am, a little uncertain about the whole process but willing to give it a try. I hope this decision isn't the result of one of my two weekly Margaritas. Tuesday and Saturday are Margarita days at our house, so c'mon over. ;-) Add another half glass of wine and you have the extent of my alcohol consumption any given week.

My news for today is that a publisher wants to see the first 30 pages of my book, plus a synopsis, counterbalancing the slew of agent rejections currently parked in my inbox. Can anyone tell me why writing is SUCH fun, but getting published? Not so fun.

I know, I'm just getting started in this business and need to learn patience [yawn]. Which reminds me, I still have editing to do and its nearly bedtime, so I'll sign off on this my first (of many, I hope) blog entries. Of course, the more comments I receive, the more I'll be motivated to post.

There. That wasn't so bad, I guess.

Goodnight Blog.


Pattie T. said...

I think your first entry is just great and look forward to more. By the way, are any of those Margaritas left? ;-)

Harol Marshall said...

Hi Pattie,

There are never leftovers, but Jerry always can whip up another one! Especially for you.