Monday, March 24, 2008

Flash Fiction

Sent off my first 'flash fiction' piece today, titled: "Mama's Little Boy," which I spent far too much time editing last week and over the weekend. My son-in-law had a few good suggestions about what he thought the story was missing. It's much better now, I think. A flash fiction story is under 1,000 words. This one was 998.

Also added a Short Story section to my website. I think I'll post some short stories there since it takes a lot of time to get them ready for publication and even longer to send them out. I really need to let them sit and fester for awhile before I go back and edit and revise, so why not fester on my website. Maybe someone will tell me what they like or don't like.

The find of the day was with lots of information on publishers. I found many new outlets, but was equally surprised to see how many I've turned up on my own that were NOT listed on duotrope.

All in all a pretty good day, though I need to get back to work on book three before I forget what's supposed to happen! Less than a month before we leave for our Mexican Cooking School trip...I can't wait.

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