Tuesday, March 18, 2008

The Harol Hoffman Movie

This is funny (at least to me). The other day I googled myself (using my legal name, not my pen name) and I turned up a listserv posting about The Harol Hoffman Movie," which, it turns out "never got made." I couldn't resist emailing the person at Liberty Pictures who posted the comment. He wrote back asking if I was from Dallas. He told me "Harol Hoffman" was the money man behind the movie, but that's all I've learned so far and I've yet to turn up this 'money man' on the Web.

Seemed odd to me since I've never met anyone with my first name let alone both names, but as my son reminded me, 'there are 7 billion people on this rock.' I guess he's got a point about probabilities.

On the other hand, an old boyfriend of mine lives in Dallas. . .

1 comment:

Pattie T. said...

How funny! I often google myself and am amazed at all I find.